Looking for a Pharmacy Partner to Help Take Care of Your Patients?

Over the years, providers have grown to trust our pharmacy as being that component of care that is essential to reaching outcome goals. You develop the plan and we will help you carry it out. We work closely with prescribers, third-party payers, and with patients to overcome obstacles to getting and taking necessary medications. Here are the types of partners we excel at working with:



We excel in partnering with physicians to design and implement care plans and solutions for hard-to-manage patients

340B Covered Entities (Ryan White Clinics, ASOs, CBOs, FQHCs)

We have extensive experience in working with Ryan White grantees, both in the AIDS Services Organizations (ASOs) and in the clinic space, as well as Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC-both qualified and look-alikes). We position ourselves in this space as partners in your mission to help you obtain your organization’s goals.

Group Homes & Treatment Centers

Whether it be a long-term group home organization or those organizations that cater to short-term treatment needs.

Health Department Government Contracts

We are experienced in developing, executing, and monitoring compliance of local, state, and federal projects in partnership with departments of health, including managing a statewide ADAP/HDAP program for over a decade.


Let’s Talk

We’d love to talk to you about ways we can work together! Just drop us an email at and Kevin or someone on the NPS team will get back to you ASAP!

You can also give us a call at 615-831-2291, ext. 301.